Guest Blog: Keeping your Spark Alive as a Military Spouse through Sponsoring

Tricia-asheI love the topic of today's guest blog because I know I have lots of readers who are military wives. Tricia Ashe, our guest blogger for today has some really great tips for building and moving your direct sales business when you're constanly relocating because of the military. I think her tips are relevant to anyone who's relocating for any reason, so even if you're not a military spouse, you'll want to check this out.

As a military spouse, we struggle with employment longevity. Our families are rarely stationed at one location long enough to be gainfully employed for longer than a year or so. My resume is impressive, but jobs are short lived due to the many PCS moves our family has taken over the years. And for this reason, I set out to find the perfect home based business for me; one that would travel with me as we moved across the US and even overseas. I chose a path in direct sales because I knew that if I worked it, I could still contribute to the family income. But I had to find a spark that would keep me going from station to station that would allow me to keep my momentum up and not give up. I found that spark through sponsoring.

When I first started my Tastefully Simple business five years ago, I set a goal to sponsor immediately. I knew this was a must to keep my current business going after we PCS’d to the next duty station. Luckily, my passion for my business sparked an interest in a neighbor and she approached me about starting her own business. I must say, I was taken aback because I would have never dreamed in a million years that she would want to own her own Tastefully Simple business. Lesson #1 learned:  Never prejudge.

Only two months after sponsoring my first team member, my husband received orders to move halfway across the United States. I knew at that moment that I had to start looking for my next customer as well as my next team member. In doing so, I begin looking at ways to build a team and keep a team through my passion for the business. I began to share the business with everyone and everywhere.  So, I have kept my spark alive in my Tastefully Simple business using the following principle elements.

Set a course for yourself and your team by using these suggestions and you too will keep your spark alive through sponsoring.

  1. Show your PASSION for your product and the opportunity that you have chosen to share. Sparks jump and your customers and team members will catch the flame and keep it burning even after you are gone.
  2. Share the business opportunity with everyone you meet, especially fellow military spouses. We military spouse live very unique lives.  We deal with things that most people only hear about on television.  Thus, we share a very special bond.  Share your opportunity with them because it may be the best gift you have ever given them.
  3. Keep in contact with your team members through social media groups, letters, cards and email. Remember birthdays, recognize them for even the smallest successes. It’s that one on one personal touch that makes you feel like you are truly part of something greater than just a job.
  4. Create a TEAM Facebook group to stay up to date with your team and what is going on at your last duty station and how your business is doing at your new location. Encourage your team to build and grow even though you are not there. Remind them that they are FAMILY. 
  5. Advertise your opportunity through social media groups at your current duty station and your upcoming duty station before you leave one duty station to PCS to another. Let them know YOU are coming to town!
  6. Set up online parties for people at your new duty station to establish a new customer base BEFORE you arrive.
  7. Spend at least 15 minutes a day looking for potential consultants in BOTH areas. Most direct sales companies nowadays are not bound by geographical regions so as long as your company allows you to advertise, do it.
  8. Establish relationships with your team members, especially your first line.  These are the team members that will carry the torch on when you PCS to a new duty station.
  9. Concentrate on building leaders on your team. Being a leader in your direct sales business is wonderful. But nothing compares to building a leader and watching them learn and grow in the company as you have. It also allows for you to personally “pass the torch” of leadership on to someone to continue what you started.
  10. When you leave your duty station, set goals for your team to continue what you started. Remember, sparks ignite flames that can continue to burn through passion and drive.
  11. Never underestimate or prejudge a person who may be interested in becoming a consultant.  Their excitement and passion for the products and company may be just what YOU need to keep your spark alive.
  12. Build trust, loyalty and above all respect amongst your team.

Tricia Ashe is a 17 year military spouse and has been in the direct sales industry for over 20 years. She is married to SFC Jamie Ashe and they have four children, all who are actively involved with her direct sales business. Tricia has found her true passion in life as a Tastefully Simple consultant five years ago. She is currently a Senior Team Manager and has team members in five states, many of whom are fellow military spouses.  When sharing the Tastefully Simple business opportunity with others, she lets her love and passion for her products and the company itself dictate her success in Tastefully Simple. She currently lives near Fort Benning, GA and has lived in Western North Carolina, Fort Hood, TX and Fort Gordon, GA, all while pursuing her Tastefully Simple career. Her family has orders to PCS again later this year, this time overseas to Europe.

You can connect with her on Facebook at or visit her website at

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