Start Coaching Your Hosts and Watch Your Direct Sales Recruiting Explode!

women-coffeeI’m passionate about the topic of host coaching because I truly believe it’s the reason I was successful in my direct sales business. I began host coaching with my very first host and many of those hosts are still friends to this day. I know it’s because of the time we had to build that relationship over a cup of coffee or a focused phone call. When your host is committed to you and likes you based on the time you spend building a relationship with her, she’ll be more likely to support you as a partner and put true effort into her party.

The key to success in our profession is creating connections with people. If you’ve looked at host coaching (up to this point) as a chore or one more thing to add to your “list” of things to do, I want to invite you to change your perspective. What if someone paid you to go have coffee or a friendly chat on the phone with a friend? Would you sign up for that? Sure you would! (Especially if it had a significant positive effect on your business, from fewer cancellations to higher attendance and sales).

That’s exactly what host coaching should be. A time to chat, get to know your host, and plan an incredible, fun party experience based on that connection and what you learn about her. The format is simple:

  • A few moments of connection time
  • About 10-15 minutes of planning (teach her the language for inviting guests over the phone and getting outside orders; decide on her theme; and let her know what you need from her the night of the party)
  • Set her “go girl goals” for bookings, guest attendance, and outside orders
  • Share your opportunity and offer to set up her party as her kick off show

If you use this format and show up open to building a friendship as well as supporting your host, you’ll be amazed at what will happen in your business! To learn more about creating a systematic approach to host coaching, click here to check out my audio program “Coaching Your Host for Maximum Success.”

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Julie Anne Jones is direct sales corporate consultant, coach, and trainer, and the CEO of Julie Anne Jones, Inc. She is known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific language and tools for success in direct sales. To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read more blog posts, visit her at


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