How To Transition From Your J-O-B to Self Employed

If you’re fed up with your J-O-B, it may be time for a change. But change isn’t easy, especially if you rely on your current, steady paycheck to live on and pay your bills. Sometimes change needs to be forced, but jumping from a regular paycheck into self employment (some might call it unemployment) is can be tricky.

You need to consider what your next move is way before you start to make it. If you want to start your own business or make a full time job out of your current direct sales business, you need to have a clear plan and you need to forecast your income so that you can actually afford to pay your bills if you don’t have a steady paycheck from a J-O-B. That being said, if your dream is to be your own boss and run your own business, it starts with deciding what you want and mapping out a plan. Step number one is defining your goals!

Once you decide what you want and have a plan mapped out, there’s a pretty simple plan you can use to see if you can actually support yourself BEFORE you give your two week notice and embark on self employment. Give yourself three months and do the following:

    1. Start to DO what you’re going to be doing once you quit your jobs…if that’s three home parties a week, make sure you’re doing that. If it’s writing an informational blog and building a following online, start putting all of your spare time into that. If it’s getting coaching or consulting clients, make it your goal to get at least three paying clients a month. The idea is to start your business BEFORE you need to rely on it to pay your bills.
    2. Put everything you earn for the entire three months into a savings account (and I mean every single dime). No cheating here. This does two things. First, it tells you if you’ll be making enough to pay your bills as you add up what you’ve made each month. If not, you have the data you need to know what to do MORE of BEFORE you quit your job. Second, you’ll be building a savings account so that when you do quite your job, you’ll have an emergency fund in case you have a slow month or something comes up. It’s a win-win.
    3. Keep track of how many hours you’re working and if you even like what you’re doing. You may find that you don’t and that your “real” job isn’t so bad after all. As a self employed person, I can tell you there are things I love about it and things I could do without. Not everyone’s cut out for the pressures of working for and relying solely on themselves for their income. This gives you a chance to find out before you have no choice but to make it work

This formula has worked great for every single client who’s done it. You’ll learn some things you don’t know now and you’ll have the information you need to make an informed decision about quitting your job and going out on your own.


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Julie Anne Jones is a sought after keynote speaker, online trainer, and corporate business consultant. She’s an accredited life and business coach with over fifteen years of experience speaking on stages across the United States and Canada. Known as “the systems specialist,” Julie Anne can break down any concept into simple, step-by-step, action-oriented training. She is known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific language and communication tools for business success.

To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read more blog posts, visit her at

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